Mr. Burns, I’m doing
some research into the life and career of the pioneer cinematographer
William Friese-Greene with the view of publishing a biography . . .
My research is purely a private undertaking, my day job is a science
During the course of my on-line research
I came across your excellent website http://www.precinemahistory.net/index.html
which is extremely comprehensive and very illuminating. One of the chapters
in the biography I’m writing includes a, rather brief, history
of both photography and cinematography. May I quote your website and
use some of the information contained therein?
Of course, if you feel I could use
some information from your website, I’ll make sure any material
I do use is fully acknowledged and appropriately referenced. At this
stage I’m putting together the draft manuscript and still doing
the research so I’m not quite sure exactly what information I’d
like to include from your website – it will chiefly be reference
to the major milestones and principle characters in the history of cinematography.
I would be very willing to send you a copy of the chapter I’m
drafting so you can see exactly what I’ve included.
Thanking you for your
Kind Regards, Jonathan Foster |
Motion Pictures: Étienne-Jules Marey's Rifle in the History
of the Discovery of Cinematography
chapter 11 of Logic of Sensation, Deleuze refers to Étienne-Jules
Marey's rifle. We will examine this cinematic device by working
through Paul Burns' incredible site, THE HISTORY OF THE DISCOVERY
OF CINEMATOGRAPHY. Given his expertise and fantastic presentation
of the material, it would be best to read it directly from this
page: http://www.precinemahistory.net/1880.htm
Nonetheless, he has very generously allowed us to use his images
and information here, so that we may better integrate it into
our other entries on Deleuze. |
you Paul Burns very much. |
I'm sorry to bother you, but my name is Erin and I found your
webpage: http://www.precinemahistory.net/related.htm, when I
was doing some research for an upcoming project on photography.
I wanted to let you know that your site was very helpful to
Thanks again!
Erin |
Erin |
Hi there,
Just wanted to provide a little bit of feedback on your page
Not sure if you're the right person to contact but I just wanted
you to know that as someone teaching an art/photography lesson
to my middle schoolers, I found your page to be a huge help!
I'm always looking for great sites to share with the class and
my colleagues.
I also wanted to suggest that you add this page to your resource
list: http://www.creativedisplaysnow.com/articles/history_of_photography.htm
The other art teacher I work with suggested it to me, and I
thought it would make a nice addition to your page for you and
your web visitors. Let me know what you think :-)
Have a beautiful day,
Serena Castleton |
Castleton |
First of all, you have a
GREAT website on the History of Cinematography. It is a model
of what this sort of site should be and rarely is: instructive,
clear, illustrative, and fun!
I am working on a book about
the language of the comic strip through the deconstruction of
a single Nancy comic strip by Ernie Bushmiller from 1959. The
gag in the strip revolves around the use of a hose, so in the
Appendix we plan to show many earlier versions of hose-related
gag humor.
Of course, 'L’Arroseur
arrosé' (The Waterer Watered) is necessary to share,
but we are having a difficult time finding high resolution scans
of the famous and widely-reproduced frame.
Could you supply us with
a decent high res scan (350 dpi in RGB color) or, perhaps, a
similar scan of the 'L’Arroseur arrosé' poster
displayed on your website?
Thank you,
-Paul Karasik |
Karasik |
Mr. Burns,
“Serendipity” brought me to “The History
of the Discovery of Cinematography” today, and I am absolutely
DELIGHTED that it has!!
In a somewhat “futile” search for an “early
clip of the 1905 made in Boston by Chase Walter Greenough (`1850-1919)”
and Neurologist Theodore Weisenburg (1899-1934) who made several
films,” on the general topic of “early cinematography
in the history of the neurosciences,” I resorted to the
ipl2 website (merger of the Internet Public Library and the
Librarians’ Internet Index) where your book was listed
SECOND out of 500 (thank goodness)!
I am currently doing my best to assist a friend in Italy, Doctor
Lorenzo Lorusso, with a special project. However, I have no
particular EXPERTISE in this area (either PHOTOGRAPHY, MEDICAL
CINEMATOGRAPHY OR NEUROLOGY, for that matter), although I do
enjoy special research projects. Also, Dr. Lorusso’s English
is considerably better than my Italian, however, I believe that
I might have been confused as to whether I was looking for “Chase
Walter Greenough,” or “Walter Greenough Chase”
– I was unable to locate anything using “Greenough”
as a surname.
In the process of sorting out all this, I wanted to pause and
write to you because, honestly, I find your book to be simply
amazing. It was obviously a “work of love,” and
to have it AVAILABLE on the Internet is a blessing. Many thanks
for that.
I would also appreciate any guidance you might be willing to
give me regarding where I might pursue works by both “Chase
Walter Greenough” and Theodore Weisenburg.
In gratitude,Kathy Green |
Green |

Dear Mr. Burns,
I wanted to thank you for your wonderful internet site on the
history and discovery of cinematography.
It is as informative
as any book I have come across, but better because you illustrate
with images and animations. I am doing my doctoral research
on the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze (I study at Belgium's
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven), and often times I must explore
cinematography. I post my research on a web log, so I can better
organize it, but also so that I can save other people research
time by explaining parts of Deleuze's texts, and illustrating
as best as I possibly can.
In the very least,
I would like to reference your page that discusses Étienne-Jules
Marey. I will provide a link and also my due praises. In the
very least, let me thank you for providing such an excellent
presentation of this material all for everyone's benefit.
Very best wishes,
Corry Shores |
Belgium |
Mr. Burns,
As one who has not only a commercial, but a formal academic interest
in the motion picture industry (and being a fomer field archaeologist
and researcher), I have found your work hugely interesting, extremely
informative and elegantly structured. You are to be congratulated.
Kind Regards,
Stephen G. Nicolay
Acting Chairman & CEO - Lumen Film & Media Limited |
G. Nicolay
Lumen Film & Media |
Thank you for your wonderful site! It has become an invaluable
resource to me as I am teaching a group of students (5th - 8th
grade) on the history of motion in picture. I am so excited about
all that I am learning in the process of teaching this class.
Mrs. M. Dunham
M. Dunham |
Author of the wonderful precinemahistory website,
I am a student at the Victorian College of the Arts the University
of Melbourne Australia. I have been researching Vida Goldstein
who was the first woman in the world to stand for Parliament in
1902 she was also the first person to use technology for political
purposes. She used the Magic Lantern (stereopticon) machine.
I was interested to give a little of the background in the use
of this apparatus particularly in connection to women and noted
that it was a woman who you sight the first to be recorded with
a lantern type apparatus. She was a nun and I wished to incorporate
that image into my thesis.
The thesis may eventually be made into a film . . . . . . . I
look forward to hearing from you - I was greatly impressed by
your inclusion of Alice Guy.
Many thanks
Karen Buczynski-Lee |
Karen Buczynski-Lee
Australia |
for the amazing online work, "The History of the Discovery
of Cinematography". I have built and operated quite a few
camera obscuras for the public in California including doing
extensive repairs to San francisco's Giant Camera at the Cliff
House including helping to put it on the National Register of
Historic Buildings. If you have a book version of your work,
where can I buy it?
Thank you for your impressive research,
Chris d. |
"I want to thank
you for your web site; it is an important work and a masterpiece.
I took the liberty of quoting you on my blog. The blog is non-commercial.
Thank you very much for your web site."
-- Grant |
"The Complete History Of The Discovery Of Cinematography
is the work of Paul Burns , a film historian and researcher
who takes the position that the history of the motion picture
should also include the history of all its elements , even before
they coalesced into a distinct medium. ( Film may be a fairly
recent invention , but the science of optics -- necessary to
fix an image on that film -- can be traced to China in the 5th
Century B.C. ).
This is a much more extensive offering than the Muybridge site
( not surprising , considering a roughly 3000 year time span
) and to keep things manageable , the History is divided into
15 chapters."
History Of The Discovery Of Cinematography refdesk.com
SITE-OF-THE-DAY "Knowledge is of two kinds.
We know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information
upon it."
- Samuel Johnson |
precinema history site is a wonderful resource for a class I teach
at DePaul University here in Chicago! Thanks very much for making
this available. Visit my (much cruder) site at www.ambriana.com
where I place the course materials and links for this course (GPH-205,
Historical Foundation of Visual Technologies) including the link
to your site at the Chapter 9 button."
Best wishes
Jim |
Instructional Technology Development, DePaul Information Systems
DePaul University,
Chicago, IL. |
site de qualité sur la préhistoire et les débuts
du cinéma."
(A high-quality site on the prehistory and the beginnings of cinema.)
Did you know that some of the elements of modern cinematography
date back as far as 900 B.C.? Visit http://www.precinemahistory.net
for an extended timeline. What part did the camera obscura and
the magic lantern play in developing a system of monocular perspective
on which Renaissance painting, photography, and eventually motion
pictures would be based? What were some of the techniques of early
photography that continue to determine the look and texture of
period films today? What were some of the mechanical devices for
recording and/or reproducing motion that preceded the advent of
film? When and where did the first film screening take place?
You will find the answers to these and many other questions at
the site.
The Art of Watching Films
McGraw-Hill Higher Ed
Sixth Edition/Student Edition |
fascinating, in-depth look at movie camera history spanning
nearly 2,500 years.
In Magazine |
History Of The Discovery Of Cinematography
This is a great illustrated pre-history of cinema, with time lines
and sections on the work of Muybridge and Marey, among others.
Robert C. Thomas |
History Of The Discovery Of Cinematography . . . "An elegantly-designed
site describing the history of moving pictures from hand shadows,
through camera obscura and magic lantern slides to bioscopes and
early cinema." Dark
Cinema History Links |
rien de révolutionnaire par rapport aux nombreux ouvrages
déjà parus, mais propose une bibliographie et une
liste de liens intéressants, contrairement à bien
d'autres sites sur le même sujet, les pages de Paul T. Burns
sont régulièrment tenues à jour."
OF CINEMATOGRAPHY of Paul T Burns, nothing revolutionary compared
to the many already published works, but proposes a bibliography
and a list of interesting links, contrary to the good of other
sites on the same subject, the pages of Paul T Burns are regularly
held up to date."
Cinéma, by Philippe Rouyer
de l'Université de Rouen |
An excellent survey of the people and their inventions that paved
the way for the cinema.
Terra Media History
by Media | Film | Links |
massive resouce detailing The History of the Discovery of Cinematography,
this site, by Paul T. Burns, "will provide more than a substantial
glimpse into the discoveries" that led to the "overall
growth of photography and ultimately, the movement of pictures."
I'll say.
Signals | Categorical Archives |
searching the Internet for something entirely different, I happened
upon this site: http://www.precinemahistory.net/
...which gets my personal 'Oscar'
for best-researched, best-written and best-designed Site Of The
Week ... and which may interest some of the Members of this Forum...
Neuenhof, Switzerland
fascinating 2,500-year chronology of discoveries leading to
the motion picture".
Art Institute of Dallas |
"An illustrated history of the cinema since its very remote
origins, since the site covers one 2500 year period!
The access to the encyclopaedia is done in periods, for which
one has the history of the people who marked the evolution of
the world of moving images , as well as illustrations"
de Montréal |
development of motion pictures happened over a long time period.
This neat site has info on cinematography (and what came before
it) from 900 BC to the present day"!
NetSmartKids Organization
and complete outlook of the chronological history of the development
of motion pictures . . . "
Gary W. Wake
Christian Tamminen |
time you're standing around at a party as a bunch of movie buffs
compare the trunk shots of Tarantino and Scorsese, blow them out
of the frame with your critique of the on-film detonations of,
say, Alice Guy Blache, a turn-of-the century French woman who
trained rats to attack her lead actors. Makes a good case for
its claim that motion picture-making is 2,500 years old, with
detailed timelines dating to 900 BC, theoretical explanations
of light and lenses, biographical sketches of venerable (and sometimes
wacky) film luminaries, bizarre inventions in film technology
-- and wonderful illustrations".
Charles Kessler |
site is constructed by the film historian and author, Paul Burns,
and covers the history of cinematography over the centuries".
UNSW Library |
" . . . a pretty
helpful resource showing how even the cave-men (Lascaux etc.)
with their static backdrops were able to create the illusion
of motion pictures. Suddenly those flickering images on the
wall of Plato's cave are brought to life!" -- Brendan
Excellent, this site offers information and images about cinematography
from 900 BC to the present day. - Scott
a truly stunning site that covers breakthroughs in optics, physics,
mechanics, and art that led to the creation of motion pictures.
Approximately 2500 years of visual history are covered by this
outstanding resource. Highly recommended."
Chatterbee's |
history leading to the invention of Cinematography."
School of Art, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ |
the discovery of the pinhole image to the first moving pictures
appearing on the scene in the late 1800's, the 'prehistorical'
stages of cinema cover some 2,500 years. Canadian film historian
Paul T. Burns is to be congratulated on the prodigious achievement
he brought about in this fifteen chapters long, well-documented
history, amply illustrated and provided with links where useful.
Add to that the easy navigation and quick loading, and you end
up with a brilliant example of a truly good website".
Karen De Jonghe,
Lieven Vandelanotte |
to popular belief, the concept of cinema is not recent. Rather,
people have been striving to create motion pictures since the
beginning of time. This one-of-a-kind educational resource
represents an amazing body of research on the subject, neatly
compiled and organized on a timeline spanning over 2,500 years"
[bold not added].
Community Education Gateway
Wyoming Department Of Education
roots are traced back to the dawn of man in this fascinating
and extremely unusual web site.
History of the Discovery of Cinematography
"How can we portray
a chronology or history visually? Timelines are usually long
(time) and thin (dated information), but there are often multiple
layers of information--- text, images, bibliographic references,
and so forth".
"Here is one nice
example of a visual chronology--- a beautiful web portrayal
of the history of cinematography".
History of the Discovery of Cinematography
"This beautifully rendered site offers information and
images about cinematography from 900 BC to the present day.
Its author "hopes to provide a substantial glimpse
into the past history and discovery, of the marriage of photography,
light and shadow, optics and lenses, glass and celluloid, into
movement known as cinematography. The illusionary art of moving
pictures has a vast history attached to it. It is the author's
intent to provide that full history to all who desire to know."
"Appropriate for high school art, photography, and computer
graphics students and interested others, the site is replete
with information about the evolution of the art and craft".
Rating: Excellent
Written by Grace Smith |
History of the Discovery of Cinematography
"Subtitled An Illustrated Chronological History Of The
Development Of Motion Pictures Covering 2,500 Years Leading
To Cinematography In The 1800's, this Website presents a
prehistory of Cinematography beginning with the cave drawings
at Lascaux and the shadow plays of Ancient China through the
"earliest-ever extant illustration of the camera obscura
in 1420 and finishing with the first true "films,"
albeit very short ones, in the late nineteenth century. The
site is structured as an annotated timeline with graphic illustrations
but, strangely, no video".
"Researched, compiled, and written by Paul T. Burns, a
Canadian film historian, the Website offers an interesting summary
of humankind's fascination with light and its capacity to project
visions of the imagination".
An Illustrated Chronological History Of The Development
Of Motion Pictures Covering 2,500 Years Leading To Cinematography
In The 1800's, Paul Burns' detailed study begins
with prehistoric shadow plays and ends with Eadweard Muybridge's
celebrated films of running animals. Mr. Burns quickly dispenses
with the notion that film is only a hundred years young, and
traces theories of lenses, light, and moving images from antiquity
to the turn of the 20th century. And for fans of bizarre 19th-century
inventions, you can hardly go wrong with Plateau’s Phenakistiscope,
Stampfer’s Stroboscope, or Houdin's Automaton"
[italics added].
Subject Headings:
film history; cinematographers and cinematography; early and
silent film
This web site describes itself as "An illustrated chronological
history of the development of motion pictures covering 2,500
years leading to cinematography in the 1800's". The timeline
starts at 900 BC and covers pinhole images, the camera obscura,
persistence of vision, magic lanterns, light, stop-action series
photography, lenses, optics, diorama, phantasmagoria, celluloid,
and motion studies. The site includes links to related web sites
and a bibliography of sources".
Best of the Web for the Arts and Creative Industries
Hi Paul,
"I'm pleased to tell you that your excellent site is now
included in WebGuide, BBC Online's guide to the
best of the Net. WebGuide>Entertainment>Film>Film
History. Each week we highlight certain sites as 'Sites
of the Week".
Many thanks and Best Wishes |
"Your Web site is the Best ! It is the most complete
about early times of animated images I've ever seen. I will immediately
put a link on your page in my site about Cinema, Cinema.fr.cf
" "I'm a french audiovisual teacher and I'll
will use some of your information and make publicity".
Frédéric Rolland |
Your Web site has been listed as one of the Best
New Links (new to our list, that is) for the current
week [February 26/01] by the About Classic Movies site, located
at http://classicfilm.about.com This means that we have singled
your work out for special recognition. One or more of your pages
are also listed in our Subjects library, which contains listings
of Classic Movies sites we consider worth visiting".
The History of the Discovery of Cinematography
" This retrospective history of the dawn of film, and a
pre-history of cinema, is both extensive and colorful, with
lots of pictures for those who hate to read, and lots of words
for those who don't. Must reading for film history buffs." |
Hi, "Your
Web site (www.precinemahistory.net/) was selected as a Hot Site
in today's [October 4, 2000] edition of USA TODAY.com a free and
highly popular news service on the World Wide Web.
Just as we do with top-rated movies and TV programs, we look daily
for Web sites that are likely to be sure hits with readers --
sites that seek to astound and delight, inform or amuse -- by
exhibiting something remarkable in graphics, content or both.
Check out our Tech section at http://www.usatoday.com/life/cyber/cyber1.htm
to find your listing, either today in the Hot Sites page or later
in the archive of previous days' Hot Site
Your site may also appear in the hard-copy of USA
TODAY, depending largely on availability of space.
The best way to find out if it will be published in the weekly
"New and Notable" column is to check the Thursday Life section
over the next few weeks.
Again, congrats on a hot site". |
"I just learned of your excellent site on cinematography
from Yahoo Picks. I am going to make
it a recommended resource for my newsletter, Webgrammar's
Food for Thought, comprised mostly of writers, researchers,
editors, educators, and students. My newsletter is sent via e-mail,
and also kept on my site at: http://www.webgrammar.com/foodforthought.html
also ... http://www.webgrammar.com/fft10-2000.html
I also want to give you an award, The Idiom Sisters
Content-Rich Award. What an awesome work. Congratulations,
and thanks for a rich contribution to the Internet community.
I want you to know that we've listed you at the following URL:
Congratulations"! |
Vorfeld, Office Support Services Document/Online Editing - Site
Analysis/Renovation, Webgrammar www.webgrammar.com
US |
"Your site is just a treasure trove of information.
Recently I was asked to create a web site for the Smithsonian's
Photographic History Collection's Muybridge Collection.
The holding includes hundreds of gelatine dry-plate positives,
Cyanotypes proofs, collotype prints, lantern slides, patent models
and apparatus.
Looking at my lists was more than a little daunting. Looking at
your accomplishment has given me new hope".
John Hiller Research Associate, pre and early cinema mechanisms. |
Dear Paul,
"Your site was just wonderful, I wish there were more
of them like it, I know how much work and scholarship you have
put into it, I have a graphical website for probability paradoxes
and yours is so quick to load given the high quality and number
of pictures.
It seems to me that Lawrence Weschler and David Hockney would
have profited from consulting your website before the New Yorker
piece came out this week!
We hope you the very best of luck for continuing such projects,
Susan Holmes and Persi Diaconis". |
Dear Mr. Burns,
"You have a wonderful site; my congratulations.
I am currently working on a project concerning Americanism in
1920s Germany, specifically the influence of Hollywood film in
German opera of the time. Some of these opera use cinematic split-screen
effects, and I was wondering whether you know the first film to
use the split screen. Was it Griffith?
Thanks in advance for your help; it would be an important part
of my paper.
Thanks", |
Dear Paul,
"Thanks for your appreciative words. Your comment is very
valuable for me because you are an authority on (pre-)cinema.
I should be most grateful to you when you would pay a visit to
my site again and sign my Public Guest book. Of course I should
be very happy with a link on your pages to my site too."
All the best from Henc |
" I noticed your
site on the history of cinematography--it's great! It must've
taken forever to do all that research. One thing though---at the
end of the 1850+ section, there's a quotation attributed to Lumiere
that I think was actually Edison's."
then. . . "Nevermind---you're right! I'm sorry---keep
up the good work on that site, it's fabulous, especially all the
links! Thanks again for your site---the 1850+ section is really
a big help. It's almost impossible to find this kind of information!"
---Gina |
Author and Free-Lance Writer
US |
"I was looking at your latest version yesterday and today - really
nice work . . . . . there is no singularly focused site on the
web like it. Congrats Paul for a job VERY well done! Take care
- once again a truly magnificent site."
Regards, Russ |
Naughton, Ph.D.
Radio Australia (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Creator of the website ADVENTURES
Southbank, Australia |
Hello Paul, There couldn't be a better man to create this website. It's more like the wikipedia of the moving image than a simple website. Very information and an amazing read for the ones who love this subject.
Damien Cyrus from SoundUnsound.com
Dear Mr Burns,
"I discover today your site. It is very useful and nicely
illustrated. You may be interested to have a look on my website
"Histoire de la télévision" (http://histv2.free.fr) with a rarity
: the comprehensive reproduction of Adriano de Paiva, La téléscopie
électrique basée sur l'emploi du sélénium , Porto, 1880, one of
the very first publication on the hypothesis of television. I
was considering to compile a short chronology of the history of
cinema and television.
When reading yours, I realize that most of the work is already
done. What do you think of a French version ? Your bibliography
should include Laurent MANNONI, Le grand art de la Lumiere et
de l'ombre. Archéologie du cinéma, Nathan Université, Paris, 1994.
It is probably the most comprehensive and up-to-date book in French
on this topic, written by the responsible of devices of the Cinémathèque
I will include a link on my site.
Yours sincerely, Andre |
Dear Mr Burns,
"I visited your web site and found it fascinating."
also . . .
Dear Paul, "Many thanks for your e-mail. The sites
you suggested were interesting but concerned art from a later
period than the one we were interested in. Your site - with its
history of the camera obscura - has proved to be the most useful.
Thanks again for your interest".
Best wishes, Paul |
" Hi, my name
is Veronica Santoro and I am researching a small paper for my
early cinema class for grad school. I got this website address
from a list our instructor gave us and it is wonderful - succinct
and thorough at the same time." |
Graduate Student
California, US |
New this week
from the Pinhole Diary: (October 26/99)
New On-line Illustrated History
"The History of the Discovery of Cinematography" might as
easily been named "Science and Technology
Inspired by the Pinhole" (almost). It is an interesting
site, packed with detailed information, arranged chronologically.
Where appropriate, there are many links, in context, for further
information on people, optic devices, processes and other covered
areas. And there is much on the pinhole. The author, Paul Burns
states that he "hopes to provide a substantial glimpse
into the past history and discovery, of the marriage of photography,
light and shadow, optics and lenses, glass and celluloid, into
movement known as cinematography."
And he has done an excellent job. Burns is a film historian, researcher,
author and former journalist and photographer living in Canada.
I did have some trouble orienting myself to the site navigation
at first, but finally realized that you get to the historical
information from the date links "900 BC+" through "1895+".
- Gregg Kemp |
"Good work!
You do a very good work!
We link your site to our ABC (Brazilian Association
of Cinematography).
Congratulations." |
"My compliments
for this most interesting site. This is one of the nice places
on the net I visit very often. Please ad my comment and links
to your fascinating site." |
"Hello Paul,
Thanks for your recreation and the links. I think they are fitting
additions of 'moving pictures' to your extensive work." |
Creator of the former website CHRONOPHOTOGRAPHICAL
Leiden, Netherlands |
"I LOVE your website!
Can you put a link to our website on your website also?" |
"Very informative
web site on the History of Cinematography"! |
"I enjoyed
your site!
You might want to track down a relatively recent book by Deac
Rossell and compare your history to his. The book is called something
like "the same old thing with a new name??" and it's published
by SUNY Buffalo."
Best, Marta |
"I know first
hand the amount of effort involved . . . . . I'm in awe of your
effort here. Its terrific!
In fact I am going to email your web address to the computer teacher
at my children's school so students can visit your site.
Cheers! " |
Student of Film
Canada |
"A wonderful
job . . . . . and very significant contribution to the knowledge
of the subject.
I am dually impressed by your erudition and information on Kircher.
Your help and this site of yours is marvelous.
I look forward to hearing further from you" |
"An amazing
on-line encyclopedia of the moving image. Splendid work!
We are pleased to be associated with your excellent site". |
"Without a doubt,
a great piece of work. Simply beautiful. The content is SO comprehensive.
Brilliantly done." |
Naughton, Ph.D.
Radio Australia (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Creator of the website ADVENTURES
Southbank, Australia |
"Excellent site." |
"Splendid! My
compliments! There is no site that equals yours on this subject.
" |
"Thank you for
creating such an interesting and informative site. A delightful
and informative web site on the history of Cinematography.
In addition to the illustrated history, Paul provides an extensive
page of related sites covering various elements of cine history
and a superb bibliography page listing a wide variety of reference
books on subjects related to cine history." |
web site." |
site." |
London, England |
for your very interesting history (and prehistory) of the cinema.
We shall add soon a link with your site." |
Research Director
Paris, France |
"Excellent site." |
Creator of the website CINE
Lisbon, Portugal |
I enjoyed your
History of Cinematography web site very much. It was very thorough
and interesting. It was the most comprehensive I've seen for the
years prior to the 1700s.
What a wonderful source of information you are!
Thanks for taking the time to add accuracy to this book." |
Vander Hook
Minnesota, U.S. |
"Loved your site,
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